doc. Ing. Monika Palatková, Ph.D.

Director of the Institute


College of International and Public Relations Prague

doc. Ing. Monika Palatková, Ph.D.

Monika Palatková was the Director of the Czech Tourism Center – CzechTourism, a contributory organization of the Ministry for Regional Development, from 2015 to 2019.

She has been actively involved in lecturing, consulting and creative activities in the field of higher education and lifelong learning. She also worked at the University of Business in Prague, where until 2014 she was the head of the Department of Tourism Economics and guarantor of specialized subjects in the fields of “Tourism” and “Tourism Management”.

Since 1998 she has been a member of the prestigious International Organization of Experts on Tourism AIEST. She is also a member of the Czech Marketing Association, the Czech Management Association and the SVECR Tourism Experts Association. She participated in the activities of the working group for the preparation of the draft of the factual intent of the Act on Support and Management of Tourism and carried out consulting and expert activities in the preparation of the Czech Republic Tourism Policy Concept for 2014-2020. She was also a member of the processing team of the medium-term marketing strategy of the Czech Republic: Rebranding and Marketing Support of Inbound Tourism and participated as a team member in the preparation of an expert report for the National Heritage Institute. she also worked on the elaboration of strategies and conceptual documents in the CzechIt – Institute for Strategic Studies on Tourism ops, where she led the preparation of a marketing strategy until 2014.

Monika Palatková is the Director of the Institute of International Management and Marketing. She is the guarantor of the study program International Marketing and Management.


Marketingová strategie destinace cestovního ruchu. (2006)

Ekonomika cestovního ruchu. (2010)

Mezinárodní cestovní ruch. (2011)

Ekonomika turismu. (2011)

Marketingový management destinací. (2011)

Management cestovních kanceláří a agentur (2013)

Mezinárodní turismus: analýza pozice turismu ve světové ekonomice, změny mezinárodního turismu v důsledku globálních změn, evropská integrace a mezinárodní turismus (2014)

Ekonomika turismu: Turismus České republiky (2014)