She has been active in the field of science, research and innovation for a long time. She is familiar with the information system of the R&D IS of the Ministry of Education, methodical instructions of the NAB, internal documentation of universities or the introduction of the status of the Research Organization. Within the framework of lifelong learning, she has an overview of the National System of Occupations and the National System of Qualifications in the recognition of authorized persons or accreditation of retraining courses.
Radka Löwenhöfferová also has a long-term focus on quality in education. Already in 2003-2007, she was a co-researcher of an international project and launched the Q For certification for education and counseling on the Czech market. The audit of the educational institution and the subsequent certification aimed to define and compare the quality and professionalism of educational and advisory services. She is currently involved in implementing a quality management system for higher education institutions based on the requirements of the National Accreditation Office. She is familiar with EFQM, ISO or TQM systems. She is a successful solver of external research projects. The sponsors were AA Grant Agency, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Culture.
She is in the organizing committee of international conferences such as Schola nova, quo vadis? or the Self-evaluation culture and quality in education.
LÖWENHÖFFEROVÁ, R. Inteligence, výchova a vzdělávání v historickém kontextu, Schola nova, quo vadis?, Extrasystem Praha : Praha, vol.32, 2017, str. 91-98, ISBN 978–80–87570–38–8.
LÖWENHÖFFEROVÁ, R. Uplatnění metody workshopu v podnikové praxi. In. Andragogika v praxi. Praha: AIVD, 2018, 16, str. 12-15, ISSN 2336-5145
LÖWENHÖFFEROVÁ, R. Some issues in the development of education in the Czech Republic, odborný web Economy – Social – Humanities – Science, 2018
LÖWENHÖFFEROVÁ, R., MUŽÍK. J. Problémy současného vzdělávání. 1. vyd. Praha : Národní panel vzdělávání, 2018. 174 s. ISBN 978-80-88227-04-5.
LÖWENHÖFFEROVÁ, R. Didaktické modely aktivizace učících se v pedagogice a andragogice, Edukacia dospelých 2019, Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, 2019
LÖWENHÖFFEROVÁ, R, MUŽÍK. J Veřejné instituce a řízení lidských zdrojů, QUAERE 2019, Hradec Králové: Magnanimitas, vol. IX, 2019, str. 297-303, ISBN 978-80-87952-30-6