Ing. Květoslava Kořínková, CSc.

Chair of the Department


College of International and Public Relations Prague

Ing. Květoslava Kořínková, CSc.

An expert in public administration. In 1964-71 she worked at the Research Institute of Transport in Prague in the field of integrated transport systems, in 1971-89 she worked in the same field at the Federal Ministry of Transport, in 1989-92 she held the position of Minister at the Federal Ministry of Control. Audit Office (legislation, new control activities and international cooperation – member of the Bureau of the European Association of Control Bodies-EUROSAI). In this capacity, she organized a world conference on public finance control in Prague.

Since 1993, she has worked at the J. Perner Faculty of Transport at the University of Pardubice, where she prepared textbooks for logistics, business economics in transport and European integration. Since 2001 she has been working at the College of International and Public Relations at the Department of European Studies, Public Administration and Law, where she lectures on the basics of public administration, public budgets in the Czech Republic and the EU, and control systems in the Czech Republic and the EU.

In addition to her professional activities at the university, she worked in the years 1994–2002 as a representative of the City of Prague, where she was the chairwoman of the Social Committee and the vice-chairwoman of the Committee on Transport – one of the founders of PID- (Prague Integrated Transport). In 1996-98 she was a member of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic – vice-chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and a member of the Public Administration Committee and vice-chairwoman of the Control Committee. In the field of control and transport, she is an advisor to the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic and cooperates with the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic and the Supreme Audit Office.

At the College of International and Public Relations in Prague, she is the head of the Department of European Studies, Public Administration and Law


Rozvoj progresívních přepravních systémů (1982)

Přeprava I: učební text pro 2. roč. studia oboru Doprava a přeprava na stř. prům. školách (1986)

Kombinovaná doprava (1995)

Příprava přidružení zemí střední a východní Evropy na začlenění do vnitřního trhu Unie: Bílá kniha: (výtah vztahující se k dopravě) (1995)

Železniční doprava (1996)

Novelizace směrnic k veřejnému nabídkovému řízení sektoru služeb (1996)

Evropská integrace (2000)

Veřejná správa v EU (2007)

Je spoluautorkou: Jednotná evropská dopravní politika a Švýcarska (1998), Organizace zasílatelských služeb (2001)