prof. PhDr. Miroslav Foret, CSc.



College of International and Public Relations Prague

Prof. PhDr. Miroslav Foret, CSc.

In the 1990s he headed the Small Business Development Center of the Czech Republic, funded by the US Congress, and taught marketing subjects (marketing, marketing communications, marketing research) at the Faculty of Economics and Administration at Masaryk University in Brno. He worked at a number of foreign universities, including for more than a semester at the University of The Hague (Netherlands), where, in 1994, he founded with other academics from the University, the International Institute of Marketing, Communication and Business (IIMCE). Between 2003 and 2005 he helped to establish the Private University of Economics in Znojmo, which he was subsequently the first rector.

At present he works at the College of International and Public Relations in Prague. At the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Pan-European University in Bratislava, he was the supervisor of the international project of the Visegrad Fund – Marketing Communication in the Conditions of the V4 Countries. He represents the Czech Republic in the Steering Committee of the International Association for Nonprofit and Public Marketing, and is a member of the international editorial boards of scientific and professional journals International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing, Public Marketing Idea, Marketing Science and Inspirations and Responsibility and Sustainability.

As an author or co-author, he has published over fifty books in the Czech Republic and abroad.Jako autor či spoluautor má na svém kontě přes pět desítek knižních vydání v České republice i v zahraničí.


Marketingová komunikace (2011)

Marketingový průzkum. Poznáváme svoje zákazníky (2012)

Marketing pro začátečníky (2012)

Management organizace a management destinace (2016)

Marketingové řízení místního rozvoje (2016)

Spolupublikoval: FORET, M. – HESKOVÁ, M. – LIESKOVSKÁ, V. – MELAS, D. Management integrované marketingové a podnikové komunikace (2018)